Ukraine and social crises: How to respond as a leader


In this week's episode, Jeff and Anique dig into how global events impact people and teams. Jeff shares a framework to better understand the three critical steps leaders can take to address social and political crises, with real examples of how businesses are responding to the war in Ukraine.

Checking in and listening to what your people think, feel and need should be a foundation of action now

In This Episode:

We’ve been through a lot in the past few years globally. The pandemic, Black Lives Matter movement, and the war in Ukraine are just a few moments in recent history that have affected us on a global scale. What we know and believe is that moments of unrest, uncertainty, devastation affect us all in different ways.

Key Learnings:

  • The war and unrest in Ukraine is affecting everyone in different ways

  • Now is the time for leaders to hit pause and create space for their people to share how they’re feeling now

  • When leaders take this time for human connection (rather than brushing past it), people feel seen, heard and connected to each other

  • Leaders have a choice in HOW they respond with their people, and IF they respond as a wider company.

Invitation for Leaders:

As a people leader, consider using this framework to connect with your people and create space for them to feel heard and understood:

  • Step 1: Listen

    • Before rushing to solve or step into action, listen to your people first by checking in on how people are feeling and hearing what they need

    • Understand that the emotional impact and heaviness will be reflected in how they show up and deliver

    • Ask yourself: How do I listen in our business? How can I create space and listen without having to solve or take action?

  • Step 2: Show support

    • Consider which way is best to show support in your own way

    • Ask yourself: How do I want to show support - internally and externally? What would stop me from showing support?

  • Step 3: Make a shift to business operations

    • Consider which area you and your company fall into: leaders who make changes to how their business runs because they have to, because they think they have to, and because they want to

This is your opportunity to check in with people, and perhaps take your pedal off the metal, and listen. Just settle in and ask people, ‘How can I support you now?’
— jeff
If we don’t get visibility and awareness of issues, movements can’t spark change. And it’s people that create change
— Jeff

Episode Transcript


Leading through crisis: How leaders respond to social unrest and conflict


Leading growing organizations in time of change